Star Trek: The Next Generation

A Trivia Game

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Welcome to the Star Trek: The Next Generation Trivia Game!

The Crew of the USS Enterprise

Your directive is to correctly answer as many of the following questions as possible to qualify for entrance to Starfleet Academy. Each question presents answer choices, with one correct answer choice per question. Press "ENGAGE!" when you are ready to begin.

The Enterprise crew in Q's court

Question 1

What is the title of the pilot episode?

  1. We'll Always Have Paris
  2. Encounter at Farpoint
  3. All Good Things ...
  4. Emergence
  5. Genesis
Riker and Troi's wedding

Question 2

Which two characters have NOT had a romantic interlude?

  1. Commander Yar and Commander Data
  2. Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher
  3. Counsellor Troi and Commander Riker
  4. Counsellor Troi and Lieutenant Worf
  5. Commander Yar and Commander Riker
The crew aboard the Enterprise in a TNG feature film.

Question 3

Which Star Trek film was NOT a spin-off of TNG?

  1. First Contact
  2. Generations
  3. Wrath of Khan
  4. Insurrection
  5. Nemesis
The Enterprise crew in season 1

Question 4

Which of the following characters is the only Terran listed (member of the human species from Earth)?

  1. Dr. Beverly Crusher
  2. Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge
  3. Counsellor Deanna Troi
  4. Commander Tasha Yar
  5. Guinan
Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Question 5

Which of the following facts of Captain Picard’s early life is incorrect?

  1. He was raised as an only child in the English countryside
  2. He received an artificial heart after being stabbed in the chest by an alien in a bar fight
  3. He was born into a family of vintners in France
  4. He failed his first attempt at the Starfleet entrance exam
Picard at the helm of his first ship

Question 6

What is the name of the first ship that Captain Picard ever commanded?

  1. USS Stargazer
  2. USS Enterprise
  3. USS Voyager
  4. USS Intrepid
Counsellor Troi aboard the Enterprise in 2364

Question 7

Counsellor Deanna Troi was born to a human father and a mother belonging to which alien race?

  1. Vulcan
  2. Romulan
  3. Klingon
  4. Betazoid
Jean-Luc Picard, age 12

Question 8

Which TNG character has NOT had a child on the show?

  1. Dr. Beverly Crusher
  2. Counsellor Deanna Troi
  3. Commander Will Riker
  4. Commander Data
  5. Lieutenant Commander Worf
a plate of food being served aboard the Enterprise

Question 9

Which TNG character is incorrectly paired with a favorite food or drink?

  1. Commander Riker and Alaskan Salmon
  2. Captain Picard and Tea. Early Grey. Hot.
  3. Counsellor Troi and Chocolate
  4. Dr. Crusher and a breakfast of Coffee and Croissants
Data playing guitar

Question 10

Which of the following is not a known pastime of Commander Data?

  1. Painting
  2. Playing the violin and oboe
  3. Caring for his cat, Spot
  4. Solving mysteries as Sherlock Holmes on the Holodeck
  5. Tai-chi and martial arts